My goal is to try and get through the thick exterior of Liberal left wing thinkers. My goal is to bring knowledge that Islam is to blame for some of the worlds worst the atrocities ever committed. Yes some Muslims are peaceful but they do not represent the true understandings of the faith.
The whole point of the faith is what is written in their so called holy books. The Quran, the Hadith and the Shea.
Christians are taught to live by the Bible it is based on love and peace. For example you look at the sermon on the mount and the sermon on the plains. They each speak about the love we are to have towards our enemies. The whole New Testament is based on LOVE, and GRACE. Not kill those who do not convert.
I will sate right now that Islam is a religion not a race. So don't call me a racist.
I wont to say right now that I do not hate any race, I have personal friends form many races, But no where in the Bible does it say we are to accept gods like Allah. I believe Allah is a false god.
No one recognizes Satanism as people worshiping a good god. Ask anyone and they will say that Satanism is evil and needs to be stopped. Well I believe Islam is another form of satanism. the amount of death it preaches is so evil. I am against what Islam's so called holy books preach about non believers.
So with all this in mind check out this video it is so enlightening
This is not for little children to watch. Be aware that some of this is filmed in England not just middle eastern countries. It is Islams attempt for infiltration of the West
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