Thursday, 1 January 2015

Islam is not a religion of Peace.

One of the speakers said that "their are as many interpretations of the Quran as there are Muslims". Well I am sorry but that is a very scary thing to say. That is why their are nearly 900 million Muslims around the world that wants Sharia Law,  and hundreds of millions that are willing to kill or die for allah.
She claimed that their was not just one Islam but many. That is just a smoke screen and just not true. Islam is Islam plain and simple. I am glad that Franklin Graham stood up and spoke the truth, and I am glad that the Imam from England came on the panel to speak because he was at least honest and said the truth. that Islam is trying to convert the world. The imam just proved our point, that Islam is evil full stop.

Yes America should be concerned, (not afraid but concerned) by the growth of Islam in America. And for that matter the growth of Islam through out the world.  The crowds clapping nearly made me sick. They are so stupid for not seeing the truth. They are blinded by political correctness.


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