Saturday, 7 February 2015

What I Believe About Islam

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

About Islam.

What I believe about Islam is simple. I love the people trapped in Islam but I do not love the religion of Islam. Islam in and of itself if taken literally from the Koran, is evil. They have around 109 verses commanding them to kill non Muslims

People need to stop thinking that if a person is in the Islamic religion and that any slur about Islam is a slur about the person, that is so wrong. I can separate the people from that false religion. 

Check out what the Koran Says for your self click on the link.

Also check out this video and you will see why I don't like Islam. 

The problem isn't Fundamentalism.
the problem with Islamic Fundamentalism
are the fundamentals of Islam
Sam Harris

God wants us to love our enemy but, no where in the Bible does He say we are to love the religion they belong to. We need to separate the people from the religion. God loves this woman in this video but He hates the religion she belongs too because it is not from Him.  

Matthew 5:43-48New King James Version (NKJV)

Love Your Enemies

43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,[b]45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?47 And if you greet your brethren[c] only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors[d] do so? 48 Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.

I love the Muslim, but not Islam. Islam is from Satan not God. A person that come out of Islam and becomes a Christian they instantly stop being a Muslim. If they become a Christian they no longer have the title Muslim. they simply become a Christian. You can have a Messianic Jew but you can never have a Messianic Muslim or a Christian Muslim, (Islam is a religion not a race) they are also completely opposite, and not connected. Jesus was a Jew so it is natural for Jews that follow Jesus to have the title Messianic Jew. All of the Kings in the Bible were ordered to destroy the alters to the false gods. God never wanted us to accept other religions. Only little King Josiah was the only one to destroy all the alters to he destroyed all the the alters to the false gods, and he did that completely, all the others left some of the alters standing, King Josiah did destroy all the alters and he was blessed. God bless   

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Bill Shorten incites Muslims to stand against "sectarian idiots" and "bigots" Copy of the Sydney Morning Herald

Bill Shorten incites Muslims to stand against "sectarian idiots" and "bigots" this is a copy of the article in the Sydney Morning Herald

Thousands in Lakemba celebrate Muslim festival of sacrifice and feasting


Georgina Mitchell

Prayers at Lakemba Mosque during Eid al-Adha at Paul Keating Park in Bankstown.Click for more photos

Eid al-Adha, in Lakemba and Bankstown

Prayers in Lakemba and Bankstown during Eid al-Adha in Sydney. Eid al-Adha, also known as 'Festival of the Sacrifice' is a Muslim holiday that celebrates the prophet Ibrahim for his willingness to sacrifice his own son at the order of Allah. Photos by Michele Mossop Photo: Michele Mossop
Federal Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has told Australian Muslims to stand up against 'bigots' and called on politicians to show caution before denouncing the cultures of others.
Mr Shorten joined Premier Mike Baird and federal Immigration Minister Scott Morrison at celebrations and prayers to mark the Islamic festival of Eid al-Adha in Lakemba on Saturday morning.
The devout started arriving before sunrise to get a good position for morning prayers, which began at 7am. People packed the blocked-off road outside Lakemba mosque, some crowding onto the footpath or using front nature strips.
Once the prayer for the festival of sacrifice and feasting was complete, the crowd gathered to listen to Mr Baird, Mr Morrison and Mr Shorten, who addressed the the effect of recent world events on the Islamic community.
"Friends, let's be honest, over the past few days and months it has been a difficult time," Mr Baird said.
Mr Shorten agreed, acknowledging the community may have faced intolerance, and called on those who had gathered to stand up against "sectarian idiots" and "bigots". He called on politicians to be cautious about how their actions could damage other cultures, in a veiled reference to efforts by federal politicians to ban Muslim head coverings in Parliament House.
Afterwards, in response to Tony Abbott's concerns that moves to ban head coverings were damaging to "Team Australia", Mr Shorten told reporters: "I'm more concerned about Team Idiot - that is, parliamentarians who should know better."
In his remarks, Immigration Scott Morrison reminded those gathered to keep in their thoughts Australian Defence Force personnel providing aerial support overseas to combat militants from the so-called Islamic State.
Though there were no security issues during the celebration, security guards had been on shift outside the mosque since 10pm on Friday.
Mohamed Zreika, 46, from Granville has provided security for the prayer meeting for almost two decades and said crowds had increased every year.
"This is a Muslim multi-culture day, like a celebration day," Mr Zreika said. "We're all brothers: Christians, Muslims, Hindu, everyone."
He said that although high-profile terrorist suspects such as Mohamed Elomar had come from Sydney's west, they did not represent the Muslim community.
"Those guys from here who went overseas, we don't believe in that," he said.
"I don't want everyone to get the wrong idea about the Muslim community; we wish all the best for everyone and we like everyone to live in peace.
"What they're doing overseas – Islam will never ever be like that. It's against our religion and against our beliefs, and what they say in the Koran and what the prophet Muhammad says."
More than 20,000 people packed the streets of Lakemba on Saturday for the festivities. Many were also excited for about the impending NRL grand final. Families arrived in cars bearing Canterbury Bulldogs flags and streamers, calling out Arabic greetings and kissing each others' cheeks, as community leaders offered pistachio sweets.

ISIS Threat to NYPD

CBS News 

The Lies of Islam

The lies of Islam

Straight From The Muslims Mouth

Straight from the Muslims Mouth

The Muslim Agenda Six Part Series

These videos say it as it is

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

I love the last video. This man makes sense. 

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Woman Bookmarks the Quran with Bacon Then Rips The Pages Out and Burns Them.

This woman is the bravest woman I have ever seen. She bookmarks the Quran using bacon and then reads some of it and then proceeds to burn it. Now for those who do not know.
Islam hates pigs and pork products. so the point of her using bacon is to just add to the insult to the Muslims. I thinks she is brave because she gives her address at the end of the whole thing. The Quran is the most evil book known to man and I think she did the right thing. Now this is in response to a comment a congressional leader made the first Video is the fun one. The reason she did it is in the second video below it. But you have to watch the top one first. It is awesome.

Friday, 2 January 2015

This Man Has The Guts To Say The Truth About Islam

Wow a politician that is willing to speak the truth about Islam. Check this video out and see what I mean.

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Islam is not a religion of Peace.

One of the speakers said that "their are as many interpretations of the Quran as there are Muslims". Well I am sorry but that is a very scary thing to say. That is why their are nearly 900 million Muslims around the world that wants Sharia Law,  and hundreds of millions that are willing to kill or die for allah.
She claimed that their was not just one Islam but many. That is just a smoke screen and just not true. Islam is Islam plain and simple. I am glad that Franklin Graham stood up and spoke the truth, and I am glad that the Imam from England came on the panel to speak because he was at least honest and said the truth. that Islam is trying to convert the world. The imam just proved our point, that Islam is evil full stop.

Yes America should be concerned, (not afraid but concerned) by the growth of Islam in America. And for that matter the growth of Islam through out the world.  The crowds clapping nearly made me sick. They are so stupid for not seeing the truth. They are blinded by political correctness.


Islam Started The African Salve Trade

How many of you thought that the African salve trade was implemented by Christians. You will be surprised to find out that it was started by Islam. Check this Video to be enlightened

Very Graphic Video Shows the truth about Islam.

Islam is the biggest poop stain on the world.
My goal is to try and get through the thick exterior of Liberal left wing thinkers. My goal is to bring knowledge that Islam is to blame for some of the worlds worst the atrocities ever committed. Yes some Muslims are peaceful but they do not represent the true understandings of the faith.
The whole point of the faith is what is written in their so called holy books. The Quran, the Hadith and the Shea.
Christians are taught to live by the Bible it is based on love and peace. For example you look at the sermon on the mount and the sermon on the plains. They each speak about the love we are to have towards our enemies. The whole New Testament is based on LOVE, and GRACE. Not kill those who do not convert.

I will sate right now that Islam is a religion not a race. So don't call me a racist.
I wont to say right now that I do not hate any race, I have personal friends form many races, But no where in the Bible does it say we are to accept gods like Allah. I believe Allah is a false god.
No one recognizes Satanism as people worshiping a good god. Ask anyone and they will say that Satanism is evil and needs to be stopped. Well I believe Islam is another form of satanism. the amount of death it preaches is so evil. I am against what Islam's so called holy books preach about non believers.
So with all this in mind check out this video it is so enlightening
This is not for little children to watch. Be aware that some of this is filmed in England not just middle eastern countries. It is Islams attempt for infiltration of the West
