WOW this guy is off the planet in his answer. Either he is for it or against it. By his answer it tells me he is for ISIS.
He was avoiding the answer in a big way. That is the way the followers of Islam confuse the issue and make evil good and good as evil. They try and divert your attention from the actual issue be claiming it is another issue. I see this a lot. Most believers of Islam I have met avoid the answer and will not give a definite yes or no. I asked a believer in Islam a couple of weeks ago if he was for ISIS yes or no, and he did the same thing this guy did, He avoided the question and tried to change the subject a lot. I ended up leaving realizing I was not going to get a direct answer. The problem is the avoidance of the question says that he is for ISIS not against it. This man in this video is obviously not going to say anything bad against ISIS because he is obviously for it. Sorry get out of Australia because you hold terrorist views and you are not welcome here.
Western people I have met that stand up for Islam, naively think you can reason with the fanatic believers in this vial religion. But the truth is you can not reason with an Ideology that condones the killing of woman and children as well as chopping of the hands of starving children that take a piece of bread to stay alive. The religion calls for the death of infidels and is based on a book that is from the pit of hell itself. The Quran is so evil that nothing compares.
You know I actually feel sorry for the people trapped in this religion. They are never going to see the light of heaven unless they give their lives to Jesus Christ and renounce Islam. Believers in Islam say that Allah calls them to Jihad to guarantee a place in heaven. They believe that they will get 72 virgins when they get there. Unfortunately those who blow them selves up will find themselves in the clutches of Satan and be condemned to Hell for an eternity. God wants it that no man should perish even Arabian people and people from different countries that practice Islam. This is why I feel sorry for them.
I do not like to use the term Muslim because it has a permanent connotation to it.
What I am about to say may sound strange and even blasphemous to some. But please read the whole thing and you will see what I mean. I am going to make a statement that is probably going to sound confusing but I hope you will read it far enough to see the truthful point I am making and why I do not like to use the term Muslim.
God can not save Muslims only Christians.
You see once a Muslim gives their life to Jesus they stop being a Muslim and becomes a Christian so when they die they are a Christian not a Muslim.that is why I say God can not save Muslims only Christians. When they give their lives to Jesus they are Christian they are not a Muslim anymore. No Muslim has ever made it into heaven, but once they have renounced Islam and given their lives to Jesus Christ, they automatically become a Christian and have access to heaven through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. That is why I can say no Muslims are in heaven.
Now I would NEVER say that there are no Saudi Arabians or Indonesians or Afghanistan people in Heaven, because that would be wrong. Their have been Saudi Arabians, Indonesian and Afghanistan people who have given their lives to Jesus and become Christians and therefore saved.
That is why I do not use the term Muslim. I say believers in Islam instead.
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